Monday, 8 July 2013

After an 8 hour overnight bus and 2 shuttles, we finally made it to Panajachel!
We had dinner with Selaine, the founder of AYUDA, that evening. AYUDA runs solely on volunteer work and donations which is why volunteers are so important. As soon as we met her, we could tell her passion for helping animals was strong.  
She told us about the state of Panajachel when she first arrived 7 years ago – emaciated, nursing, and disease infested dogs at every corner.  Just before tourist seasons, these dogs were poisoned with cyanide in the middle of the night and suffered agonizing 4 hour deaths. These were mass culling events organized by the government and the bodies were cleaned up off the streets before morning.  
Most of the street dogs actually have owners and homes, however the mentality of most pet owners here is the dog should fend for themselves. Some families barely have enough resources to feed their children so feeding the dog is not a priority.
Selaine has been working here for 7 years and AYUDA’s progress is very evident. Her organization has sterilized and treated thousands of animals, educated numerous families, and stopped the government from mass culling. This benefits the human populations because of reduced zoonotic disease transmission, reduced aggression from male dogs (especially if there are females in heat nearby), and reduced disease transmission between dogs.
During our time here, we will be traveling to communities all over Lake Atitlan to survey the street dog population, diagnose disease, and administer treatments. We will be participating in clinics that will be organized in different towns to provide sterilization and treatments for dogs and cats. We will also be working with families to educate them on the importance of keeping their dogs healthy and safe. We are all really looking forward to working with Selaine and the vets here. AYUDA has such a strong presence in the community and are improving the way families view and care for their pets.
Lake Atitlan: We will be working with communities around this lake during our time with AYUDA


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